The Hunger Games RPG
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The Hunger Games RPG

The 15th Hunger Games have just ended leaving Faeryn Nacht of District One as the Victor. The citizens of Panem are trying to survive another year of uncertainty and fear, but what will the next reaping bring?
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 The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))

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April Adams
District 1
April Adams

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The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) Empty
PostSubject: The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))   The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) I_icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 10:41 am

District Six Reaping.
Xander Petry
Date: September 6th, ADD

Xander Pety had managed to re-gain some of his former enthusiasm after District Five. Really, just because there were no volunteers or excited members of the crowd, didn’t mean Xander couldn’t enjoy himself! What did he care what the silly members of District Six thought about him? What really mattered were the huuuuge crowds of people who were watching him back in the Capitol, who were counting on him to make these boring old districts’ reapings as exciting as possible! Not to mention that, no matter how boring and dirty a district may be, there was no denying the drama that came with the reapings. It was a bit sad, really, that most of the reaped pretty much knew they’d never make it home. But of course, it was that tragedy that made the Games so gosh darn exciting! Schadenfreude all the way!

And who got to choose the names of who participated? Who was single-handedly responsible for making the Games as exciting as possible right from the start? Why, Xander Petry, of course!

It was thanks to these thought that Xander had no trouble planting a large smile on his face as he took the stage in the center of District 6. Xander Petry never let his fans down! In fact, as he looked out at the crowd of young people, wondering who his magic fingers would choose, the Capitolite’s already huge grin widened. Really, his job was just so wonderful! He was responsible for getting the districts excited about the Games! He was the one who got to give these lucky kids a chance at eternal glory! He got to introduce the tributes to the viewers at the Capitol for the very first time! All of Panem knew the name Xander Petry!

Now beaming, Xander waved enthusiastically at the crowd and began his usual spiel. “Helloooooo, District Six, and Happy Hunger Games!”He shouted over the crowd – it was electrifying, the way they all immediately fell quiet as soon as he spoke. In the lovely Career districts, he could count on the crowd to energetically respond to whatever he said, but Xander knew better than to try that kind of tactic here. So instead of trying to pump up the crowd, he just kept on going.“You all know what time of year it is! REAPING DAY!” Pause for cheers that may or may not come. Xander didn’t particularly care – as long as they were watching him, the man was perfectly content. “I’m sure you’ve all been looking forward to this just as much as I have-” as if it were possible for any of these people to mirror Xander’s enthusiasm. His face felt like it might be stuck this way, he was smiling so hard. “-So let’s get on with it, shall we? As they say, ladies first!”

Convinced he was doing them all a great service, he took his place in front of the large glass bowl filled with girl’s names, placing a hand over it then pausing for dramatic effect and looking back out towards the crowd.“And I almost forgot – May the odds be ever in your favor~!” Ahh, that was lovely. Right, it was time! Xander plunged a hand into the bowl, making a show of fishing around for just the right name. This was not a matter to be taken lightly, after all!

((Xander Petry is the equivalent of Effie Trinket. April is not doing the reaping, obviously xD

Post Away! If you are planning anything special, such as volunteering, please PM me!

Tributes, remember tallying points for the Games starts now!))
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Kooa Stephens
District 6
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Kooa Stephens

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The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))   The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) I_icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 3:05 pm

Oh, no. It was the day. The day two kids were sent to death, the day everyone in district six feared. The day of the reaping.

Personally, this was Kooa's least favorite day of the year. She was in district six, directly in the middle. That meant her reaping was after five, before seven, and stuck in between all other reapings. Sometimes she wished she lived in district one or two, because they actually got to train, and liked reapings. Also, someone would most likely volunteer if she was picked. Here in six, where no one wanted to go (at all), Kooa knew no one would volunteer for her. Well, if her and her brother were the same gender, he may, but they weren't. Yet Kooa wasn't sure if she would want her brother taking her place in the games. Then she would be the one stuck at home breath bated, hoping her brother would win. Then when he died, Kooa would be even more screwed up after Mrs. Shore. Goodness, Kooa didn't even know if she would be able to live-- she may as well just commit suicide if he died!

Anway, Kooa's mom had given her one of her old dresses as a good luck token, as always. It was mustard yellow, and pleated, with a nice belt. Under it she wore a pair of some old jeans, and her old shoes. Much to Kooa's dislike, her mom also made her wear a bow. A bow. What was she, a dress-up doll? Her mother couldn't just-- wait. No. Calm, Kooa, calm, she thought, taking a deep breath. Reaping day was getting the best of her, like usual. It also might have been the fact she had a bad feeling about today. She quickly shook her head, getting rid of the feeling. Well, trying too. Every reaping day, Kooa had a bad feeling, and she never got picked. The same would happen this year... right?

Yes or no, the future was not apparent right now. The best thing was to concentrate on the present, and not dwell on the future.

Kooa, Kane, and their parents went into town square, Kooa and Kane signing in, their parents going to the section for people over 18 or under 12. When the peacekeeper pricked her finger, she bit her lower lip at the small pinch. She walked over to the girls' section, and into the 14 year-olds' section. Kooa tried to look for her brother, but no luck. Everyone was taller than her. Kooa just sighed, adn pursed her lips, waiting for the supposed 'fun' to begin.

It annoyed Kooa how excited, happy, and... bubbly Xander was. Did he even realize he was likely sending two kids to their death, and at least one? Apparently not, because he had been looking forward to it. What kind of monster looks forward to kids' deaths?

Ladies first. Kooa watched his hand hover above the bowl, but it hesitated. “And I almost forgot – May the odds be ever in your favor~!” Kooa snorted. Yeah, right. Him saying 'may the odds be ever in your favor' wouldn't change the fact that at least one person in the crowd was going to die. It didn't change the fact that the games existed, and didn't change the fact that everyone in district six between the ages 12 and 18 we're scared out of their mind that they might die soon. It didn't change anything.

Kooa had just enough time to take a deep breath before his hand swirled all the pieces of paper in the bowl. Couldn't he just get on with it?
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Kane Stephens
District 6
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Kane Stephens

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The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))   The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) I_icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2012 9:01 pm

Kane sauntered out of the house after his parents and before Kooa. As usual he was required to "dress-up". So, he wore jeans, a black muscle shirt, and a black blazer. Technically he was dressed up because of the blazer. His parents walked far ahead of Kooa and himself, whipering nervously to one another. 'Probably talking about something going on at work.' he thought.

He glanced to his right at Kooa and nodded approvingly at her outfit, until he he saw the bow. He frowned at it and stopped walking. He knew his mother had probably forced her to wear that so, he walked up behind Kooa and tugged the stupid thing out. That's better. he whispered in her ear and grinned at her, attempting to provide a light mood. He knew she always became nervous before reapings and, if he was perfectly honest, so did he.

They continued to town square and checked in along with Kooa. He walked over to the guy section and found his age group. He smiled sadly at a few of his friends and then tried to spot Kooa's bright red hair, however there were to many girls blocking his view of her petite form.

“Helloooooo, District Six, and Happy Hunger Games!” Kane rolled his eyes at Xander's overly peppy voice. “-So let’s get on with it, shall we? As they say, ladies first!” 'Please not Kooa. Please not Kooa!' he pleaded silently as he braced himself for the name that would decided he and Kooa's fate.
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April Adams
District 1
April Adams

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Age : 27

The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))   The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2012 2:52 pm

Who would it be, hmmm? Xander was all but jumping up and down and he fished for the perfect slip of paper in the glass bowl. Somehow, even after doing this already in five districts, the man still felt a rush of excitement every time he found himself in this position. He lived for the drama, the attention, the power. Because the fate of two people – and, by association, their families, friends, fellow tributes, you name it – was in his neatly manicured hands. And – ah, yes! He had found it! The perfect slip of paper, the one that was practically shouting out to him, ‘pick me! Pick me!' Xander’s hand closed around the tiny slip, and he slowly removed it from the bowl.

His excitement grew as he slowly, neatly, unfolded the piece of paper and read the name written on it. He turned his gaze back to the crowd, scanning it for a few seconds, before he beamed and called out in a booming voice, “Kooa Stephens!” Oh, this was exciting! Where was she, hmm? “Where are you, dear? Come on up here, Kooa!” Xander cast his eyes over the crowd again and – ah ha! There it was! The telltale movement of the masses that showed where the girl must be standing.

After a couple of moment, his eyes settled on a small redheaded girl. Huh. Hadn’t the girl tribute in the last district been small and redhaired as well? What a coincidence! Maybe they could team up and become the redheads of doom! Ruthlessly slaughtering tributes left and right, feeling no guilt because they lacked souls! Or…something.

Anyways, here she was, walking up to the stage! Xander extended a hand to her, grinning from ear to ear. “Welcome, welcome Kooa! We’re thrilled to have you, absolutely thrilled!” He directed his smile to the audience and, even though he was already sure of the answer, called out, "Now, do we have any volunteers?" A few moments of silence and then, "...No? Alright then! How about a round of applause for this young lady?” Regardless of whether they clapped or not, Xander eagerly clapped his own hands together, bouncing up and down on his toes.

With that done, he made his way over to the second glass bowl. “Alright then, time to choose a boy, yes? Here we go~!” Xander plunged his hand into the bowl, repeating his usual process of fishing around for just the right slip of paper.
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Kane Stephens
District 6
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Kane Stephens

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The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!))   The Reaping! ((Open to all in District Six!)) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 1:24 pm

Kane watched as Xander pulled a small slip of paper out of te girls bowl. “Kooa Stephens!” Kanes eyes widened as he watched his whisp of a sister climb the stairs to the stage.

Kane could no longer see or hear anything except his sister. Memories flashed before his eyes of Kooa. No it's not possible. She couldn't have been reaped! No! That's it. No matter if I'm reaped or not I WILL be going into that arena. he thought to himself as his brotherly instincts to protect Kooa arose.
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